Hello Shopper!

We’re happy that you’re interested in our delivery platform and that you are a loyal Mailpac Customer. Please note that our delivery service incurs a $500 fee for all customers.

Please include a delivery fee of $500 per delivery when making online payments. We currently offer delivery at this charge for customers that have a delivery address in our pick up counter locations. This Includes: Mandeville, May Pen, Portmore, Spanish Town and Savanna La Mar. Deliveries outside of these locations will be subject to a different delivery charge.

*Any individual package over 10lbs will attract a higher fee.

If you are having any problems or have any questions, feel free to contact an agent at 927-7225, by webchat from your my aero account or send an email to mailpacinfo@aeropost.com


How do I know what my package charges are? 

You can view your package charges 1 of two ways:

  1. When you get your package ready at counter email, you can click on the link that should take you to your account where you can view individual charges. 

  2. Log into your my aero account to view package charges under the tab "packages"

  3. From there, you can select the packages you want to pay for and check out with our secure payment website.

What happens if I don't remember my login information for my account?

  1. Email mailpaclogistics@aeropost.com to have your password reset. The email should come from the address you used to sign up. 

  2. Feel free to reach out to a customer service agent if you need any help. 

How can I pay for my packages? 

  1. Bill Pay - If you have a NCB or a BNS bank account you can go to bill pay and add us as a payee

BNS Customers 

  • Search for Mailpac in the search section of the website

  • Your "account number" is your KIN number. If the number is not 6 digits, please add zeros at the beginning  of your account number. 

NCB Customers

  • Business Category - "Other Bills"

  • Name of Payee "Mailpac - PaySmart"

  • Your "Account number" is your KIN number. You DO NOT need to enter the word "KIN" before putting the number. 

2. RTGS Transfers

Please see below our NCB account information.
Beneficiary name: Mailpac Group Limited, Branch: 029
Account number: 291024572

3. Payment on delivery 

You may pay for your packages with a credit card or debit card. No cash accepted. 

4. Payment online

You may pay for your packages online through your My Aero app or through your account online.

*Please allow 1-3 business days from your delivery request for your package to be delivered.

How to Find Your Order Details
